Rent On Time

At Benburys we are aware that the main concern for landlords is rent arrears and late payments, which can also lead to potential expensive legal costs and an interruption of cash flow. Benburys can take this worry away from you, guaranteeing your rent on time, every time!…

Rent on Time does exactly what it says; It pays your rent on the rent due date regardless. It also guarantees seamless cash flow on your property portfolio as it will pay the rent on time, every time, even if your tenant defaults! You can rest assured in the knowledge that your monthly rental payments are guaranteed and fully safeguarded.

Not only providing financial security, our Rent on Time product also offers you:

Ultimate Referencing of all tenants
Continued FULL rental income during the eviction process
Full Legal Expenses Cover
ALL legal actions handled by our experienced staff for disputes/evictions
No Excess or delays in payment
Deposit Management
Benburys will handle all communication with tenants regarding rents
No Excess or delays in payment
Available to new & existing tenants
Benburys will handle all communications with the tenant and any dispute resolution costs including securing court orders where necessary, all fully covered by Benburys under the terms of your Rent on Time product. While we handle such issues for you, your guaranteed rental income continues to accumulate on time, every time.

Please call us on 024 76 661553 if you would like to discuss how we can help you, our expert staff will be happy to answer any questions that you may have.

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